Hakkimizda Img1

It is used to take samples from suspicious lesions that are not monitored by imaging methods such as mammography and ultrasonography, but only occur in MRI.


How should I prepare?
All medications taken should be reported to the doctor.
Allergy to anesthetic agents should be told to the doctor.
If blood thinners are used, they will be asked to quit three days in advance.
You will be given brief information about your medical background.
Since the procedure is performed on an MR device, necessary preliminary preparations should also be made for a normal MR examination.

How is the transaction done?
The area to be biopsied is cleaned and sterilized.
Local anesthesia is applied to the area to be biopsied. Suspicious tissue is detected and the needle is advanced into the area to be biopsied.
After the procedure, compression is applied to the biopsy localization. Does not require sewing.
Process 20-40 d. takes.

What can be felt during and after the procedure?
Anesthesia is not required during the procedure. Generally, no discomfort is felt. Sometimes a little pain can be felt.
There may be a feeling of pressure while the needle is advancing.
After the procedure, mild swelling and pain may occur. Simple pain relievers are used.
If severe swelling, bleeding, and warming in the biopsy area are felt after the procedure, the doctor should be informed.
After the procedure, normal daily activities can be resumed. However, it is desirable not to do activities that require heavy effort for 24 hours.

What are the benefits?
It is a good way to understand what the suspected disease is.
It is much less invasive than surgery.
It is generally painless. The result is as reliable as surgery.
After the procedure, daily activities can be resumed.
Bleeding risk is less than 1%. The risk of infection is less than 0.1%.
There is no scar after the procedure.