Hakkimizda Img1

Almost always the cause of calcification in the heart vessels is atherosclerosis.

In calcium scoring, the presence and degree of calcification in the heart vessels is evaluated. Findings are translated into numerical form with a scoring system.

A score of 0 means that there is no calcification in the heart vessels, while higher scores mean that there is more calcification in the heart vessels.


How to prepare for the review?
No preparation is required. However, it is recommended not to drink beverages containing caffeine or smoke in the 4 hours before the examination.
Before the examination, any metal that is close to the region and region to be examined must be removed.
Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy should be reported to the radiology technician or doctor prior to the examination.

How to review?
Special x-rays are sent to the area to be examined. Incoming data are collected by detectors and converted into images in computers.
The review time is limited to seconds.

How will I feel during the review?
They are painless, quick and easy examinations.
No drugs are used.
After the examination, the patient can return to his normal life.